Non-accidental injuries (NAI) to children
Injuries to Children
Allegations of non- accidental injuries (NAI) to children or allegations of neglect, sexual abuse by adults or between children will result in Social Services and Police involvement and is likely to have a devastating impact on your family. The most common emotions as a result of Social Services and Police involvement are fear and panic of the risk of losing your children.
These emotions can cause the loss of rational thought and behaviour. It is important that you contact Kings Solicitors immediately. We can provide expert advice in this very challenging area of law. Kings Solicitors have experienced Solicitors who can be contacted at any time day or night and at weekends to offer immediate advice over the telephone and speak with social workers and the Police at your home address; hospital; GP surgery; school or nursery.
Kings Solicitors have developed a particular expertise in advising in this very specialist and challenging area of law which borders on both criminal and family law.
In our experience it is very important to obtain immediate advice to ensure your rights and those of your family are protected.
Any mistakes or errors in your response to social workers or the police made at this early stage can have important consequences later if the local authority makes the decision to issue care proceedings in respect of your children.
The involvement of Social Services or the Police is likely to have occurred as a result of the safeguarding duties imposed on teachers, health care professionals such as Doctors and health visitors.
If your child makes allegations against you of any nature to a teacher or Doctor or your child has bruising or a non-accidental injury which has come to the attention of a teacher or Doctor, it is likely that they will immediately report the allegation; bruising or injury to Social Services or the Police in the absence of an acceptable explanation to the cause of the allegation or injury.
Social Services and the Police may become involved as a result of:
- Referral by a GP, doctor, or nurse at hospital because of a non-accidental injury e.g., Broken bones; swelling to head; or burns; failure to seek treatment; broken ribs; bruising; sexual assault etc.;
- Allegations of a shaking baby resulting in a bleed in the brain;
- A disclosure made by your child to a teacher at school;
- Allegations of sexual abuse, neglect or poor parenting; or
- Death of a child in your care.
If the Police want to interview you about any allegation related to your child, it is essential you speak to us first in confidence before agreeing to be interviewed. We provide free 24-hour expert advice and free attendance at the Police Station.
We have unrivalled expertise and experience in providing expert advice to parents, relatives or grandparents on Social Services and Police involvement. We can respond immediately to an emergency.
If an injury has occurred to a child in your care and you are not the birth parent of the child, it is important to seek expert advice from Kings Solicitors before speaking to social workers or the Police.
If you have already provided an account to Social Services or attended for interview at the Police Station, feel free to contact Kings Solicitors for free advice any time as this may not necessarily be the end of the matter.
Allegations of Sexual abuse or Neglect
Kings Solicitors have unrivalled skill and expertise in advising parents and others facing allegations of sexual abuse or neglect of their own or other’s children.
The Police may seek to conduct an interview following a report from the child at school or hospital and or GP or a third party.
It is of paramount importance to have the correct advice at the police station as the consequences and outcome following the police interview may have devastating consequences such as removal of your children or prohibition of contact with your own or any children under the age of 18 years.
Feel free to contact Kings Solicitors for a free consultation.
Kings Solicitors are also able to advice and represent you in Care Proceedings initiated by the local authority as a result of any allegations.
It cannot be over stressed the importance of providing the same account at the police station and during the course of Care Proceedings.
Kings Solicitors are familiar and practice in both criminal and care proceedings.
Depending on the nature of the allegation the Police may make your child the subject of a Police Protection Order (PPO) which can last for 72 hours which is 3 days. During this time, you will not be permitted to have any contact with your child. Your child may undergo medical examinations or be video interviewed by the Police.
Before the end of this period if your child is not returned the Local Authority i.e., Social Services may issue an application to Court for an Emergency Protection order (EPO) or seek your agreement to sign a section 20 Agreement to place your child with a friend or family member or foster carers. Social Services may later decide to issue an application for an interim Care Order to place the child with foster carers.
Social Services may ask the parent who is the subject of the allegation or abuse to leave the matrimonial home and have reduced or no contact with the child whilst the investigation is on-going and may be deemed a risk. Seek expert advice from Kings Solicitors on your rights in these circumstances.
You will need expert advice from Kings Solicitors whilst the allegations are under investigation to have your child placed with a family member or friend if available rather than interim foster care.
Kings Solicitors have unrivalled expertise in this area of law and can provide a powerful voice to protect your rights. We at Kings Solicitors understand it's not just a case, but that you and your family’s lives are likely to be in turmoil.
Our tough, sharp approach to your defence coupled with our dedication to our clients has enabled us to best achieve our clients' goals and safeguard their interests.
King’s solicitors sincerely believe that communication with our clients plays an important role in understanding their needs and the key to providing the best possible legal representation.
We provide a high level of personal attention and communication, involving our clients in every important legal decision that impacts your lives. We will stand by your side through every step of the legal process.
Kings Solicitors can offer advice when disclosures of allegations by a child is falsified by one spouse to gain an advantage in a custody proceeding. Kings Solicitors can help you address these matters whether your spouse is harming your child, or whether unfounded allegations of abuse or neglect have been brought against you.
Kings Solicitors will pursue the most effective course of action to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.